Alexa Wenzel ’21

Alexa Wenzel | Graduating class of 2021Alexa Wenzel UBC IR


Why did you choose to study IR at UBC and what did you enjoy most about it?

I chose to study IR because the program is interdisciplinary which allowed me to take wide variety of courses. I really enjoyed learning about topics from different perspectives, one morning I would have an econ course discussing free trade and in the afternoon in history we would discuss the same topic in a new light.


What was one significant learning moment that happened during your degree?

As with all students, the pandemic was a significant learning moment in adaptability and adjusting to online learning. When the pandemic first hit, I had two days to pack up my studio in Paris, where I had been studying on exchange, and move back to the U.S. to stay with my family.


What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

After I graduate I am looking forward to moving to Geneva to pursue a Master in International Affairs at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies!


A piece of advice for current/incoming IR students?

Get involved! Four years passes extremely quickly and there are so many ways to get involved at UBC, from Go Global to Work Learn to student clubs, by taking advantage of these opportunities you learn more about your interests and build a network of peers working in the same field.



“I really enjoyed learning about topics from different perspectives, one morning I would have an econ course discussing free trade and in the afternoon in history we would discuss the same topic in a new light.”